Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Paris - May 2008

Visiting Kent, Margot(6), Celine, and Paul(4) in Paris

Carmen and big cousin Margot

Deux boules du creme glacee

Smart Car fascination

Luxemburg Garden

Boat ride on the Seine

Playing in the park

Waiting to go up the Eiffel Tower...

...and waiting...

...and still waiting...

Finally, the view from the top!

So close to the very tip!

Rodin museum

Fun on wheels

Lunch by Pont Neuf

Kent's office (Rice School of Architecture - Paris)

Spring 2008


New Crocs

Easter baskets

Monkey see, monkey do

Easter egg sandwich

Easter egg hunt at Basso's house

Flying carpet (blanket made by Grandma Floren)

Painting the bathroom

Counter play

Dance uniforms

Karen's baby Ethan

Playground at Alexander Park (Montreal)

Chemistry class after presentations

Marilena's tenure party


Party for graduating seniors

These next few were taken by Simon the budding photographer...